Tom wins! Surprise? Not really. Satisfying?
Mr. NYNY Fireman wins Survivor? Not too shocking, is it? Did
Tom deserve it though? Heck yeah. He basically single-handedly
coined the term Ulong by his ability to lead Koror to an amazing
immunity streak that eradicated Ulong. Further, he was an
obvious threat, but did his Kororian tribemates vote him off
because of this? They didn't have many opportunities (he won
5 out of 7 individual immunities after all), but there were
2, and did they take them? Nope - they went after Stephenie
and Gregg instead. So be it. But even better, Tom admits to
his tribe that he's a threat, and begs not to get voted off.
And they don't. You know, if a tribe is that unwilling to
turn on you, then by all means, you have earned that prize.
Born for Second Place in Survivor
She professed at the final tribal council that she got to
where she was because she used the cards she had in her possession.
Nobody is really quite sure what those cards entailed, but
nevertheless, she WAS still in the Final Two. Why? Because
much like Jerri of Australia, she had been able to antagonize
nearly everybody out there. It didn't seem like she was nearly
as divinely bitchy as Jerri, but her personality nevertheless
grated on others. A person would have been foolish to have
not taken her to the Final two with them. Don't get me wrong
though - I couldn't stand how everybody decided to go all
high-and-mighty on Katie during the jury phase. These people
who acted like they played with integrity and skill and finesse.....
puhlease. Only Gregg really had a claim to those characteristics
(although he annoyed me with his personal attacks too); people
like Caryn and Jenn definitely had no right to pass judgment.
I will fault Katie for her ginormous blunder at tribal council
though: Even though Janu admitted her vote was never swaying
to Katie, Katie should still have answered her question. Her
obstinance to the question may possibly have influenced others
against her, and hence why she had a 6-1 vote....? Anyways,
Katie's got $100K now, so who's laughing last?
the Hell, Ian?
You were your own worst enemy in this game, Ian. Specifically,
your mouth always seemed to be plotting against your position
in the game. When Tom discusses his rationale about who to
take to the Final 3, your move, Ian, would have been to just
nod sagely and agree. Not to say "I am glad I didn't
have to make that decision, I'm not sure what I would have
done..." D'oh! And you had absolutely no ability to keep
strategy secret or to cover it up with lies. Perhaps that's
a nice trait, but in Survivor, it's a sure-fire way to lose.
And lose you did. Third Place has a nice cash prize, for sure,
but it's no million. I will give credit to him for lasting
nearly 12 hours on that endless challenge. I can't believe
how long they lasted on those poles. Incredible. And he must
have felt pretty bad about his lies to Tom and Katie to give
up. But why wait so long? And c'mon, like people wouldn't
get over it. Ah well.......
then we had Jenn
You know, I never would have guessed she would be in the
Final 4. I am betting Gregg is surprised she made it this
far too. I think she nearly made it to the Final 3 past Ian
too, especially with Tom's rage in full swing against Ian.
Who knew there'd be another tie, and another use of the fire
race. But with Jenn, unlike Stephenie, I pretty much knew
she had no shot against beating Ian, because I don't think
I ever saw Jenn do much more than Katie. But she was able
to keep up with the boys on challenges, so there's that! Well,
almost at least.
Final Thoughts! (for good, about Palau at least)
This season rocked. So many interesting twists and interesting
characters. Plenty of surprises to be sure, and all around
a much better season than Vanuatu or All Stars. I can't wait
to see this on DVD. I am interested in the next season too
- except for that human sacrifice bit...? Anyways, Survivor:
Mayan Ruins looks to be sweet!
Other's Thoughts:
speaks - La Finale!:
Of course the beginning is
10 minutes of recaps of the whole season. We get to see, again,
how much a snake Ian and Tom both are from the start. I know
I do NOT want either of them to win. My guess is Jenn at this
point. We are supposed to see things tonight that will "surprise"
us, Jenn winning would be my surprise.
Final 4 - they get breakfast on Survivor. Eggs, pancakes,
champagne, bacon, coffee, you name it, that's what they get.
Nice to hang out with your "buddies" just before
you cut their nuts off. It looks as though everyone wants
Tom gone.
So the 4 go to meet Jeff, they sit in the truck that the Survivor
winner will win and get to look at the "blank check"
made out for a million bucks. Now, the challenge is on. All
kinds of knots and keys and shit. Tom, Ian and Jenn are in
the lead and who knows what the hell Katie is doing, she's
having problems with the rope she's tethered to. More knots,
more keys, some metal rungs, throw in a grappling hook or
2 and Ian and Tom are leading with Jenn close behind. Katie
is still working on some knots back a ways. But, in the end,
Tom and Ian move on to a challenge between them, the ladies
just sit and digest their nice breakfast. Into the water for
Ian and Tom. They need to figure out a combo to a locked box
from 3 tiles with numbers on them in a bag. Tom gets the box
open after 3 tries and he wins immunity. We get the feeling
right away that Jenn is being voted out. It seems that everything
is out in the open now and they all talk openly that Jenn
is going home (God, I hope not) right in front of her. Ian
says something along the lines that he was glad he didn't
win because if he had, he would have had to make a BIG decision.
Jenn played on that line and told Tom that he missed what
Ian was saying, Ian would have voted Tom out if he had won.
Tom confronts Ian and I think that was a MAJOR decision maker
for Tom to... cause another vote, which comes to a second
tie in this tribal council. Jenn and Ian have to break a tie
and it is trial by fire like Steph and snot-rocket man. Ian
wins. Jenn didn't even get a fire started, seemed like she
didn't even try. Oh well, Ian is in the final three, BUT,
we get the pleasure of seeing Tom write Ian's name down on
that parchment. (So where was the surprise????)
Final three - Tom, Ian and Katie. Just like it was "planned"
from back on day 2. After council, Tom and Ian are arguing,
Katie gets in on it and this is pathetic. I keep hearing "all
your lies" and "changing tactics" being thrown
at Ian when Tom and Katie are NO angels either. Haven't we
seen them do the sames things? Remember Gregg, Katie? Remember
Caryn, Tom? It's terrible how they turn all the tides against
Ian, not that I like him, but what is the saying about throwing
stones in a glass house?? So, here comes the cheesy remembrance
stuff (which I hope they do remember them this time). They
had to bury their torches at sea. They didn't say much about
anyone from the other tribe except Bobby Jon and Stephanie.
The way Katie shot Janu's torch in the water was a little
harsh, but all the others were dropped in nicely. Hmmm.
Final challenge - bob on a buoy for as long as you can. Barefoot
on a small disk of rusted metal. I'm curious how long it will
last. The wind picks up and they start to sway. 3 hours, 18
minutes, it starts to rain. 5 hours, it's dark and I'm sure
they are hurting, which is proven when she steps down from
pain. Ian and Tom do not say a word to each other. 7 hours,
still going... 8 hours, Tom tells Ian if Tom wins, he's taking
Katie. If Ian steps off, he will take Ian with him. Neither
sounds good to Ian, so me thinks we will be here for a few
hours more. At 11 hours 45 minutes, Ian says he'll give up
and wants Tom to take Katie. He wants the friendships over
the million. 11 hours, 55 minutes, Ian jumps in the water
and wins Tom's respect back. Jeff accepts a verbal vote from
Tom instead of going through the motions of tribal council.
Katie and Tom are the final 2.
Day 39 - Tom and Katie are all smiles. They get to tear everything
down and burn it. They sail off into the sunset and on to
the final council. Both of them said they are humbled to be
in the position they are in and that was about it. No bad
things to say about anyone or each other. Now we wait for
the jury to speak. Coby goes first. Calls Katie out for not
playing during the game, says she rode the coat tails of others.
Tom gets called out for playing dirty and wants some truth
out of him from the other jury member questions. Gregg asks
why he should give Tom his vote, Tom says Ian turned turned
his vote against Gregg when he was voted out. Gregg also calls
out Katie for her true colors, calls her pathetic. She gets
a little teary eyed, but didn't say much. Steph is up next,
reminds Tom of his promise way back when he said he would
keep her around, he says he did what he could to save her,
but he couldn't vote against his alliance. Katie says Tom
came to her and said that they should vote out Stephanie before
she even got to the camp. Janu gets a bunch of bullshit from
Tom. When she asks Katie to give her 3 adjectives about herself
getting to the final 2, Katie just tells her "I don't
expect your vote Janu, so I'm not going to answer it".
Caryn asks Tom if she was a pawn, Tom doesn't give her a straight
answer. When she moves to Katie, she wants a reason to be
voted for after telling her she was lazy. Katie tells her
she (Katie) is sitting where she is because Caryn did not
make an alliance. Jenn tells Tom he's a chauvinist how does
he expect her vote as a woman, he again brings up Ian. I didn't
hear what happened with Katie. Ian gets up and asks why the
jury shouldn't give them a million dollars. Katie says her
personality. Tom says because of his experience out there
with them was enough. Closing statements of course are pleads
and apologies, blah, blah, blah. We see that Janu voted for
Tom and Coby voted for Katie, but we must wait for the gay
ride back to the states... (we were blessed without one)
And the winner is... TOM. Only one vote for Katie. I won't
take up anymore bandwidth with this email, so there it is
for ya, Squirrel as best as I could do. Good night and sweet
dreams! Until next time on.... SURVIVOR!
Comments - Ep 14:
Squirrel probably won't be providing comments for the rest
of the season.....he's having a desert holiday in Baghdad.
Take care, Squirrel!
-> Linus:
Official Site: Ep14 - Still have to say that CBS is providing
some amazing supplemental stuff to watch online, if you have
a broadband connection that is. Visit and enjoy!
Tom Won (RNO)
Katie Lost (RNO)
Ian Lost (RNO)
Jenn Lost (RNO)
Overview: The Finale: Two in the Bush is not better than one
in the hand (RNO)
"Nobody Would Have Predicted This Move" (RNO) -
Episode Recap
Reunion Show: Domination and Revelation (RNO) - Reunion